About MRET® Water Activator
Molecular Resonance Effect Technology (MRET®) Activated Water is produced with the help of patented in the USA by Igor Smirnov, Ph.D. Molecular Resonance Effect Technology (US Patent No. 6022479). Pegasus Aqua MRET® Water Activator is the stationary source of subtle, low-frequency, resonant electromagnetic field with composite structure. MRET® Activated Water with the modified molecular structure, physical and electrodynamic characteristics may enhance specific molecular mechanisms in living cells.
To ensure non-compromising performance from the All New PEGASUS AQUA MRET® Activators, Each and Every Activator Systems are equipped with Original Polymer and Electronic Resonating Frequency Generator provided directly from Dr Smirnov, USA.

The Man & Science Behind the Discovery

Dr. Igor Smirnov graduated from St. Petersburg Naval Academy in 1975, Faculty of Nuclear Physics (Fission Reactors) and Engineering with a Master’s of Science degree in mechanical engineering.
Continuing his education into the next decade, he was actively involved in advanced research regarding the effects of low frequency electromagnetic oscillations (EMFs) on human cellular physiology at St. Petersburg State University, graduating in 1986 with his Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology.
ABOUT MRET® Water Activator
Molecular Resonance Effect Technology (MRET®) Activated Water is produced with the help of patented in the USA by Igor Smirnov, Ph.D. Molecular Resonance Effect Technology (US Patent No. 6022479). Pegasus Aqua MRET® Water Activator is the stationary source of subtle, low-frequency, resonant electromagnetic field with composite structure. MRET® Activated Water with the modified molecular structure, physical and electrodynamic characteristics may enhance specific molecular mechanisms in living cells.
To ensure non-compromising performance from the All New PEGASUS AQUA MRET® Activators, Each and Every Activator Systems are equipped with Original Polymer and Electronic Resonating Frequency Generator provided directly from Dr Smirnov, USA.

The Man & Science Behind the Discovery

Dr. Igor Smirnov graduated from St. Petersburg Naval Academy in 1975, Faculty of Nuclear Physics (Fission Reactors) and Engineering with a Master’s of Science degree in mechanical engineering.
Continuing his education into the next decade, he was actively involved in advanced research regarding the effects of low frequency electromagnetic oscillations (EMFs) on human cellular physiology at St. Petersburg State University, graduating in 1986 with his Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology.
Molecular Resonance Effect Technology (MRET®) is patented by Igor Smirnov, Ph.D., US Patent No.6022479. During the process of activation the subtle low frequency electromagnetic field is imprinted into the water. It closely resembles the natural geomagnetic field found near the healing water springs. MRET® Activated Water has modified molecular structuring, physical and electrodynamic characteristics and is compatible with the cell water dynamic multilayer molecular structuring described by Dr. Gilbert N. Ling. Such similarity contributes to easy bio-availability and fast assimilation of MRET® water in biological systems. Due to its “super liquidity” MRET® water easily penetrates through small porous and capillaries in the body, improves hydration and stimulates the proper function of cells in biological systems. MRET® Water acts as a communication medium among the cells. It has many special physiological properties that make it ideal to help the body to restore its quota of properly structured bio-available water.

MRET® Water supports the process of cellular regeneration by means of the hydration of cells with MRET® Activated Water. It results in the proper function of cells and cellular structures which leads to normalization of metabolism and general revitalization of the body. MRET® Water prevents cellular dehydration and slows down the process of aging closely related to the dehydration of cells. It improves the nutrient transport and assimilation as well as the detoxification of the body. The research conducted on MRET® Water confirmed its antibacterial effect, as well as its ability to substantially increase the main factors of natural cellular resistance to infections and inflammations such as phagocytosys and immune responses, to inhibit the growth of mutated cells and to enhance the vitality of healthy cells.
Pegasus Aqua MRET® Water Activator structures the water before you drink it. Thus, you get a unique source of water with the beneficial, healing and rejuvenating properties at home. During the 30 minutes MRET® activator will produce for you and your family 2 liters of structured water with beneficial properties which were extensively studied and confirmed by numerous biological and physical experiments at Certified Research Institutions and Universities. PEGASUS AQUA MRET® WATER ACTIVATOR is a household appliance, not a medical device.
The process of MRET® activation changes the structure of water and other liquids creating the long-range dynamic multilayer water molecular structures similar to the structures of cell water in biological systems. During the process of activation the water is subjected to the subtle low-frequency electromagnetic field comparable with geomagnetic field of the Earth in the areas around healing water springs. This spontaneous electromagnetic field is generated by unique MRET® polymer compound with fractal structure which has properties compatible with the properties of the cellular fractal structures in living tissues. Therefore, such field can enter into a resonance with the electromagnetic signals of the cells in living organisms. The field generated by MRET® polymer affects the water in the same way as the signals generated by the fractal structures of living tissues affect the cell water. As a result they structure MRET® water similar to the cell water structuring. It is biologically safe process because MRET® water is produced with the help of non-contact process from drinking water and remains chemically pure and non toxic. It can keep its structural basis and significant part of beneficial properties for a long time (not less than 24 hours at a room temperature and not less than 45 days refrigerated at a temperature of +4 degrees of Celsius).
Microbiological and physical properties of MRET® activated water were studied in leading Research Institutions and Universities, presented at numerous International Scientific Conferences and published in scientific books and magazines.*
The structural changes in the water after MRET® activation were confirmed by Nuclear Magnetic Resonance and High Voltage Photography testing. The researches of anomalous viscosity and electrodynamic characteristics of MRET® water confirmed the long-range dynamic multilayer structuring of MRET® water similar to cell water. Bioelectrical Impedance analysis showed the biological compatibility of MRET® water with cell water as well as significantly enhanced hydration capacities of water after the process of MRET® activation and its easy absorption by the tissues of the body.
The incredible health benefits of MRET® water were demonstrated in the process of several biological investigations such as Oncology Research on 500 mice, Staphylococcal Infection Research on 400 mice, numerous experiments on Antibacterial Sterilizing Effects of MRET® water and its Stimulating Effect on Metabolic (biological) Activity of Complex Microbiological Associations similar to microbiological flora in the intestine, Inhibition of Growth of Mutated Cells, Enhanced Morphology of Red Blood Cells and significant Rebounding Effect on White Blood Cells.**
As a summary it is possible to say that based on the research results the consumption of MRET® water leads to the general revitalization of the body: it enhances the natural immune response including the main factors of natural cellular resistance to infections and inflammations such as phagocytosys (engulfing of alien cells and resistance of the body to the penetration and reproduction of bacteria, viruses and other pathogenic microorganisms).