give you a better hydration
MRET® Technology
US Patented # 6,022479ss
The structure of water can be changed not only by the geomagnetic fields that vary diversely over the planet but by the energy of thought as well. The bipolarity of water has been long established and the subsequent changes to bonding angles is not only plausible, but a regular occurrence.
Ensuing physiological functions of this life-sustaining liquid that makes up more than seventy percent of the human body.
give you a better hydration
MRET® Technology
US Patented # 6,022479
The structure of water can be changed not only by the geomagnetic fields that vary diversely over the planet but by the energy of thought as well. The bipolarity of water has been long established and the subsequent changes to bonding angles is not only plausible, but a regular occurrence.
Ensuing physiological functions of this life-sustaining liquid that makes up more than seventy percent of the human body.
The cell is immortal. It is merely the fluid in which it floats which degenerates. Renew this fluid at intervals;
give the cell something on which to feed (nutrients), The water that you drink MUST first be metabolically restructured into structured water BEFORE it is BIO-AVAILABLE Single Files – Long range Bond angle Single File Alignment (SFA).
Single File Alignment (SFA)
The Formations of Long-Range
Water Molecules
Strengthens the Hydrogen-Bonding
Linear Stratified Pattern ®
Single File Alignment (SFA)
MRET® Technology enhanced flow properties of water. The technology changes the bond angle of the water from 104.5° to 114.5°, allows it to move more freely and penetrates through small pores & capillaries, thereby improving hydration and biological interactions.
Extracellular Hydration
Extracellular hydration refers to the water found outside the cells. MRET® Water able to decrease the viscosity outside the cells which helps maintain blood volume, transport nutrients, and remove waste from cells.
Intracellular Hydration
Intracellular hydration refers to the water present inside the cells.. MRET® Water helps to improve various cellular functions such as nutrient absorption, metabolic processes, and waste elimination. Cells maintain a balance of water and electrolytes to ensure optimal function.
The Formations of Long-Range Water Molecules (SFA) by MRET® Technology enhance intracellular hydration by that provide better penetrate cell membranes.
MRET® Technology
US Patented # 6,022479
Intra-Cellular Hydration